Creating Your Life Loop

2 min readMar 6, 2023


The 21st century has led every individual and collective to doubt their own existence. Everybody suddenly felt as if the ground they were standing on was breaking through. In the past, one’s way of life was cemented by the cultural and physical environment around him. Now, through instant information and connection, one can design one’s beliefs, one can design one’s philosophy, to tinker and see what fruits it will bear.

It’s the first time in human history we could do this. The advancement in technology and opportunity has given us infinity. It’s so overwhelming that it has paralyzed many of us, but uplifted even more.

The stories we consume have a beginning and an end, but life isn’t. It’s a loop that we’ve come to arrange in timeframes. Our day to day, our weeklies, and our yearlys. If we zoom out, we can see that it’s on repeat, there are events that come to happen over and over again. They may not be exactly the same in form, but they come bearing a similar spirit.

Life is a rhythm of opposites. Not good or bad, but light and dark, ups and downs. It’s culmination is what we inherently call experience.

And the most important experience, the most important life, the most important loop, is one that generates peace and prosperity within you, your family, friends, and community.

Now the specifics of this can’t fit in such a page, but you know of which I speak.

To know your loop, the emotions and meanings behind every part of your day, is key to optimizing it. Understand your past, so that you may see what weights you carry, and imagine your future so that you may know where to plot the course.

Look into psychology, religion, technology, symbols, everything if it helps shed light upon who you are. You are constantly creating and upholding your identity, it’s important to know what’s been influencing it.

And once you do, you’ll be free to go. You’ll be free to bear fruit once again.




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